Tuesday 18 October 2011

Back in Service

After a prolonged break for various reasons, the boats are up and running again.
Well almost..........

I have rewritten all of the scripts and have spent hours (days) testing them.
Last week everything sank.......I wasted more time until I found out the Lindens had made a little server upgrade, which broke notecard readers.
That bug got fixed quickly (it also affected sex beds and intan dance balls)

Next problem is the ferry routes - some work, some don't.
The problem is object entry permissions - I have asked Michael Linden to see if he can change a "few" (34) for me.

Corsica is running fine along the south coast...the north coast is still a bit fragmented
Gaeta is the opposite - north coast is great - south is a wipeout
Hetrocera - only one region causing an issue and I have worked round it.
Sansara - a little rerouting to avoid some "Mole" hills and it seems ok
Nautilus City Isle tour- I am sitting on the boat route testing as I write this.

I am working on some new routes - including extending the Sansara run to Bay City

I am sure there are more bugs to be ironed out - but that will come in time

The ferry bar at Pelvoux has gone....I do have another location but its not yet ready for public use.

Will try and keep the blog updated at more frequent intervals (like less than a year between posts)

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